Zoo Rostock
City: Rostock
Country: Germany
State: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Opend 1899
Species 500
Beeing one of the largest zoos in Germany in size it gives the animals in general good conditions, no matter if it's the Darwineum, home for the great apes or the enclosures for cats and ungulates
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Last visit 2022
Zoo Rostock
Rennbahnallee 21
D 18059 Rostock
Phone: 0381-20820
Open minimum 9am-5pm
Adult 24,- Euro
Child 10,- Euro
Family* 61,- Euro
*Family tickets are valid for 2 adults and 2 or more children
Annual card
Adult 71,- Euro
Child 26,50 Euro
Family* 162,- Euro
*Family cards are valid for 2 parents and theire own children
Kids will love the to pet goats, ride a pony or just watching one of the interesing daily shows
1864: The forest is planted during the danish-german war
1898: First animals are on display, those are roe, wild boar. The forester Robert Schramm opens a small animal park
4th Jannuary 1899: the first animal keeper is hired for the "deer gardens". On show where among others white-tailed eagle, fallow deer, jackal, red fox and raccoon.
1904: the electrified tram arrives to the deer gardens
1906: the city accepts Schramm's wish to entlarge the deer garden in to a wild animal and dendrological park
Pentecost 1910: The garden opens and citizen of Rostock call it "Animal park"
1945: The zoo is flatend to the grownd by bombs, the single surviving monkey has to be shot, since it runs freely around the city
1951: Garden architect Arno Lehmann and volunteers from the city rebuild the animal park
7th September 1952: The Animal park reopens
16th January 1956 the animal park is renamed to zoo. The zoo enlarges from 7 hectare to 16 hectare
1960: 2 elephants arrive, they are the zoos first pachyderms
1963: The first polar bear is bred
1973: A master plan going to 2000 and enlarging the zoo th 56 hectares
1989: Opening of the large aviary for Nordic sea birds and waders
1991-96: new enclosures follow like the ones for sea lions and African wild dogs
1995: The African elephant Dzomba arrives at the zoo
1997: The house for lion-tailed macaques and patas monkeys open
1998: The larhe walk through enclosure for storks open. On october 7th the South American monkey house opens for tanarins and capuchin monkeys
1999: Becomming a member of WZO (World Zoo Organisation)
2000: The enclosures for large felines opens
2001: The restaurant "Elephant lodge" opens
2002: The special exhibition building "Darwin-box" opens, so does the enclosure for European otters
2004: The first cheetahs in East-germany are born. A new petting zoo opens, so does the crocodile-hall
2005: The moose enclosure and elephant house are renovated
2006: The aviaries for owls are build, so is an enclosure for male cheetahs
2007: Renovation of the tropical bird house
2008: Renovation of the Savannah area and the duck lake. Enlargement of the Elephant enclosure. New animals at the zoo are hutiacongs and Rocky Mountain goats
2011: Building of the Darwineum, the new Ape house beginns. A year later it opens.
2012: The Wapiti returns to the zoo.
2013: The last elephant dies
2014: Goodfellow Tree kangaros move to the zoo
2015: Cheetahs breed, The elefant enclosure is turned in to an enclosure for Pygmy hippos
2016: The building of the Polarium begins
2017 Hyrax's and Fiji iguanas move to the zoo
2018: The Polarium opens
Map 2013
Map 2015
Map 2020
After paying the entrance fee we have the Pelican lake in front of us, here we turn left to meet the penguins. Behind them we find some parrots. Now entering the Aquarium with especially tropical fresh water fish. Going to the right we then meet the llama, you can walk inside this enclosure. To the right we then have the bear area, home to polar and kodiak bears. To the left we are having the changing house with chickens, turtels and stick insects. On the right hand we then follow the path via the cheetah enclosure and the tropical bird house, where you also meet some reptiles. Going by passing storks and flamingos we turn right to the large feline area. Here we find snow leopards, jaguars and lions. Soon after we see the crocodile hose that can be entered. Out side again we se owls and then another tropical house for South-east Asian birds. Then we look at the rocky mountain goats and the lynx. Turning right passing the rhododendrons we se some flamingos and then the moose as well as donkeys. In front of us is now the savannah and behind it the house for South American monkeys. Kids will now love the petting zoo with goats and rabbits. Following are some owls and birds of prey. Now walking under the bridge we se the wisent. Following the path on the right we then meet sea lions and the otter. Across is the Darwin box, a touch museum having new exhibitions each year. The walking inside the large aviary for Northern Sea birds and waders. Behind the Cafe "beetle" we meet rhea, walabies and the African Wild dog. After a smal while we meet the wapiti. The path to the right leads us to the monkey house with patas monkeys and lion-tailed macaques. Across is the large area for ungulates, home to prezewalski horses, camels, antelopes and zebras. The last section is the Darwineum, showing the evolution of our planet starting with the big bang and ending with apes, the orang utan and the gorilla. In this house you also meet giant tortoise, ring-tailed lemurs and echidnas among others.
DE: Dieser Zoo hat dass sehr interessante Darwineum, das die entwichlung der Erde zeigt und ist einer der grössten Zoos in Deutschland rein flächemässig.Er zeigt ua Pferdeantilopen, Ameisenigel und eine gute Zuchtgruppe von Geparden. Neben dem Darwineum hat er mehrere Vogelhäuser und ein kleines Aquarium für tropische Fische
DK: Denne have har det interessante Darwineum, som viser jordens udvikling og haven er samtidigt en af de største haver rent arealmæssigt. Man ser bla hesteantiloper, myrepindsvin og en god avlsgruppe af geparder. Ved siden af Darwineum er der flere fuglehuse og et lille akvarie som viser især tropisk fisk